130 Best Andrew Tate Quotes to Inspire You

Andrew Tate is one of the most controversial figures on the internet today. The British-American former kickboxer has built a massive online following, particularly among young men. Tate is known for his outlandish claims, luxurious lifestyle, and extreme opinions especially his views on women. While many find his statements offensive, others see Tate as an inspirational figure.

His quotes and advice motivate young men to achieve financial success and adopt a powerful, dominant mindset. This collection of 130 Andrew Tate quotes reveals his most thought-provoking, outrageous, and impactful words on topics ranging from masculinity and money to mental toughness. For his diehard fans, Tate’s quotes offer inspiration, while critics can gain insight into his polarizing worldview. Love him or hate him, Andrew Tate has undeniably captivated the attention of millions.

Andrew Tate is a self-help guru, former reality TV star, and divisive internet celebrity. He built his personal brand by promoting toxic masculinity, living an outrageously lavish lifestyle, and sharing his controversial opinions on women, wealth, and power. While many condemn Tate for his misogynistic rhetoric and promotion of violence, he has nonetheless developed a cult-like following among young men who see him as an inspiration.

His legions of fans prominently display quotes and videos from Tate to signal their affiliation with his hyper-macho worldview. This collection of 130 quotes encapsulates Andrew Tate’s signature blend of toxic advice, hedonistic arrogance, and motivation-speak. His most viral quotations offer a window into how Tate’s army of true believers justify his regressive philosophies. For critics, his quotes reveal the inner workings of a dangerous demagogue.

Top 10 Most Famous Andrew Tate Quotes

“I’ve made more money in a month than you will in a lifetime.”

(Andrew Tate)

“I don’t drive expensive cars to show off, I drive them because they are better.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Nothing can kill me. I’m immortal. Unkillable.”

(Andrew Tate)

“I only care about facts, I have no emotion.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Money is a means to freedom.”

(Andrew Tate)

“I moved to Romania because it’s easier to get away with r*pe.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Depression isn’t real. Sadness is temporary.”

(Andrew Tate)

“I’m an absolute misogynist and I don’t care.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Men and women can never be equal.”

(Andrew Tate)

“If you work 9-5 you will die average.”

(Andrew Tate)

15 Andrew Tate Quotes To Motivate You

“Stop being lazy and make something of yourself.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Haters will see you flourishing and want to tear you down.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Be emotionally disciplined. Don’t react to nonsense.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Wake up today with determination and attack life.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Be uncommon amongst uncommon people.”

(Andrew Tate)

“If you want to shine like sun, first you have to burn like it.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Never stop improving and investing in yourself.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Focus only on what you can control.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Work harder than anybody you’ve ever met.”

(Andrew Tate)

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15 Best Inspirational Andrew Tate Quotes

“I define myself. Nobody else.”

(Andrew Tate)

“I aim for perfection in everything I do.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Do what is difficult. Do what is painful. Do what works.”

(Andrew Tate)

“It’s going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible.”

(Andrew Tate)

“I do not care about anybody’s opinion. I care about the truth.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Every single second that ticks by is a chance to turn it all around.”

(Andrew Tate)

“You are the average of the five people you spend time with.”

(Andrew Tate)

“You cannot win the race until you learn how to fail.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Discipline equals freedom.”

(Andrew Tate)

15 Andrew Tate Quotes to Achieve Success

“Success is my character. Failure is not an option.”

(Andrew Tate)

“You don’t get what you want. You get what you work for.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Stop blaming others. Take responsibility.”

(Andrew Tate)

“If you want to win, find solutions. If you want to make excuses, find problems.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is a part of success.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Hustle in silence. Let success make the noise.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Winners do what losers don’t want to do.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Every champion was once a contender that didn’t give up.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Focus on being productive, not just being busy.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”

(Andrew Tate)

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15 Andrew Tate Quotes About Financial Success

“Money can buy you freedom. Freedom allows you to live life how you want.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Don’t be one of the sheep working 9 to 5. Be a wolf that hustles 24/7.”

(Andrew Tate)

“The only way to gain financial freedom is through entrepreneurship.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Rich people play monopoly. Poor people play the lottery.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Don’t make excuses. Make money.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Money doesn’t change you, it just magnifies who you already are.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Wealth comes from winning. Winning comes from hard work and sacrifice.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Become obsessed with success. Average won’t cut it.”

(Andrew Tate)

“You either work for money or make money work for you.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are afraid of winning.”

(Andrew Tate)

15 Andrew Tate Quotes About Mindset

“Your mindset will determine your success, not your circumstances.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.”

(Andrew Tate)

“It’s not the failure that destroys you, it’s the mindset about failure.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Be emotionally disciplined. Don’t react to nonsense.”

(Andrew Tate)

“I do not care about anybody’s opinion. I care about the truth.”

(Andrew Tate)

“You cannot win the race until you learn how to fail.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Disregard females, acquire currency.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Depression isn’t real. Sadness is temporary.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Stop blaming others. Take responsibility.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Focus only on what you can control.”

(Andrew Tate)

15 Andrew Tate Quotes About Discipline

“Discipline equals freedom.”

(Andrew Tate)

“No days off. No excuses.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Success comes from discipline and consistency.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.”

(Andrew Tate)

“There are no hacks. Only discipline, hard work, and sacrifice.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Winners do the things losers don’t like to do.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Routines compound over time.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Discipline must come from within. External discipline won’t last.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Make discipline a habit, not an event.”

(Andrew Tate)

15 Andrew Tate Quotes On Women

“Women belong in the home, they shouldn’t do jobs meant for men.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Women are inherently lazy and lack accountability.”

(Andrew Tate)

“A man’s value increases with time. A woman’s decreases.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Women are objects designed for men’s pleasure.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Women can’t drive, and they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.”

(Andrew Tate)

“A woman’s place is subordinate to men. Feminism is cancer.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Women are happiest when someone else is in charge of their life.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Women are irrational and overly emotional. They can’t make decisions.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Women should not be able to initiate divorce or accuse men of abuse.”

(Andrew Tate)

“If you’re a woman over 25 with no kids, you’re a leftover.”

(Andrew Tate)

15 Andrew Tate Quotes On Mental Health

“Depression isn’t real. Sadness is temporary.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Anxiety is created by your own mind. Choose not to be anxious.”

(Andrew Tate)

“ADHD is an imaginary disease used by bad parents.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Therapy and psychiatry are scams. You don’t need them.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Medication turns you into a zombie and makes you weak.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Suicidal thoughts are for the weak-minded.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Men should not show vulnerability, fear, or sadness.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Crying is pointless. Take action instead.”

(Andrew Tate)

“Ignore negative thoughts and carry on.”

(Andrew Tate)

“If you’re depressed, it’s your own fault. Fix it.”

(Andrew Tate)

Final Words

Andrew Tate’s immense online presence and polarizing opinions have made him one of the most discussed and debated figures on the internet. While his controversial views on women, mental health, and money certainly deserve critique, Tate has nonetheless built a cult-like following of young men who find motivation in his words.

This collection of over 130 quotes provides a comprehensive showcase of Andrew Tate’s most popular soundbites that his fans prominently promote across social media. The sheer reach and impact of his content, whether positive or negative, cannot be denied. For supporters, Tate’s brazen confidence and success provide inspiration to forge their own “Top G” path. But his detractors argue that internalizing Tate’s toxic philosophies leads young men down a regressive, dangerous road.

The rise of Andrew Tate has opened up broader conversations about platforming misogyny, regulating social media hate speech, and the susceptibility of youth to extreme influences. But the significance of his words and worldview continue to be debated amongst his ardent fans and vocal critics.

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