Get ready to crack up with one of these hilarious pregnancy announcements! Move over traditional congratulations, because these announcements are guaranteed to elicit unforgettable reactions that you’ll cherish forever.

Year after year, parents-to-be are stepping up their game with creative, clever, and downright funny baby announcements. I can’t get enough of them! In fact, we had three pregnancy announcements ourselves, culminating in the surprise of twins. Looking back, I wish we had thought of some of these ideas for ourselves.

If you want to spread joy and laughter when sharing your exciting news with family and friends, look no further than these uproarious baby announcement ideas from fellow expecting parents. Get ready to giggle your way through the big reveal.

Creative Pregnancy Announcement Ideas That Are Sure To Get Some Laughs

Expecting a little one is a joyous occasion, but announcing the big news can sometimes be nerve-wracking. Why not take the pressure off and have some fun with it? Funny pregnancy announcements are a great way to share your excitement while adding a touch of humor and creativity. Get ready to surprise your loved ones with an unforgettable reveal that perfectly captures your unique personalities.

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also be a rollercoaster ride of emotions and unexpected moments. By injecting some humor into your announcement, you’ll not only break the tension but also create lasting memories that you and your loved ones can cherish for years to come. From witty puns to hilarious photo shoots, these funny pregnancy announcement ideas are sure to bring smiles and laughter to everyone around you.

1. Eviction Notice, BAM

Nothing says “surprise” quite like an eviction notice! Create a fake notice stating that a tiny tenant will be moving in approximately 9 months from now. Print it out, stick it on your front door, and wait for the reactions to roll in. This creative pregnancy announcement is sure to leave your friends and family in stitches, wondering if you’re really being evicted or if there’s a hidden message behind it all.

When they finally catch on, they’ll appreciate the clever twist and the effort you put into this hilarious reveal. Just be prepared for some playful teasing about your unconventional “tenant” and the impending chaos that comes with a new addition to the family.

2. Every Superhero Needs a Sidekick

Every Superhero Needs a Sidekick

If you and your partner are comic book enthusiasts or simply fans of superheroes, this pregnancy announcement idea is perfect for you. Dress up in your favorite superhero costumes and pose for a photo with a tiny superhero outfit or a onesie emblazoned with the words “Sidekick Coming Soon.” You could even create a comic book-style announcement with speech bubbles and illustrations to really bring the theme to life.

This announcement not only celebrates your love for all things heroic but also symbolizes the exciting journey you’re about to embark on as new parents. After all, every superhero needs a trusty sidekick by their side, and what better sidekick than your own little bundle of joy?

3. It’s Officially Time to Panic

Sometimes, the best way to announce a pregnancy is with a healthy dose of humor and a touch of chaos. Create a mock “panic room” or “bunker” in your home, complete with canned goods, water bottles, and other survival essentials. Take a photo of yourself and your partner huddled inside, surrounded by the “supplies,” and caption it with something like “It’s officially time to panic – baby on the way

This announcement is sure to get a good laugh from your friends and family, especially those who know how unpredictable and chaotic life can be with a newborn. It’s a tongue-in-cheek way to acknowledge the craziness that’s about to ensue while also celebrating the impending arrival of your little one.

4. Netflix and Chill Went Too Far…

In today’s world, the phrase “Netflix and chill” has taken on a whole new meaning. Why not play off of this popular cultural reference to announce your pregnancy in a humorous and relatable way? Take a photo of yourself and your partner cuddled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a Netflix remote, and caption it with something like “Netflix and chill went a little too far…”

This announcement is perfect for couples who love a good night in, binge-watching their favorite shows. It’s a lighthearted way to poke fun at your cozy evenings while also sharing the exciting news that a new addition to the family is on the way.

5. Boob Update Coming Soon

Let’s be real – one of the most significant changes during pregnancy is the transformation of a woman’s breasts. Why not embrace this inevitable change with a dose of humor? Create a funny announcement featuring a close-up shot of your growing baby bump, accompanied by a caption like “Boob update coming soon.”

This announcement is sure to get a good chuckle from your friends and family, especially those who have experienced the joys (and occasional discomforts) of pregnancy themselves. It’s a lighthearted way to acknowledge the physical changes you’re going through while also celebrating the impending arrival of your little one.

6. Surprise, Surprise

Sometimes, the simplest ideas can be the most effective. For a classic yet funny pregnancy announcement, take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a chalkboard or a sign with the words “Surprise, surprise!” written on it. You could even add a playful element by including a pair of baby shoes or a tiny onesie in the photo.

This announcement is perfect for couples who prefer a more understated approach but still want to inject a bit of humor into their reveal. It’s a simple yet effective way to share the news while also acknowledging the element of surprise that comes with every pregnancy.

7. Let’s Play Hangman

Let's Play Hangman

If you’re looking for a fun and interactive way to announce your pregnancy, why not turn it into a game? Set up a hangman game board and take a photo of yourself and your partner standing next to it, with the word “BABY” already filled in. Challenge your friends and family to guess the missing letters and see how long it takes them to figure out the big news. And for an extra magical touch, consider incorporating different types of fairies into the game perhaps as hints or clues—to make the announcement even more enchanting.

This announcement is sure to keep everyone guessing and engaged, adding an extra layer of excitement to the reveal. Plus, it’s a great way to get everyone involved and create a shared experience that you’ll all remember fondly.

8. Oops, Here We Go Again

For those who are expecting their second, third, or even fourth child, a funny pregnancy announcement that acknowledges the chaos and excitement of adding another little one to the mix is a must. Take a photo of your existing kids looking mischievous or causing a playful ruckus, and caption it with something like “Oops, here we go again.”

This announcement is perfect for parents who know exactly what they’re getting themselves into – the sleepless nights, the endless laundry, and the never-ending noise – but wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s a lighthearted way to celebrate the controlled chaos of your growing family while also sharing the exciting news with loved ones.

9. We’re Officially Minors in the House Now

For those who love a good pun, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to tickle your funny bone. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a sign or a chalkboard with the words “We’re officially minors in the house now” written on it.

This clever play on words not only announces your pregnancy in a witty way but also acknowledges the fact that your household is about to become a little less “adult” with the arrival of a tiny new human. It’s a fun and creative way to share the news while also embracing the inevitable chaos and joy that comes with parenthood.

10. We Have a Winner (Sperm)

If you and your partner have a competitive streak or simply enjoy a good pun, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Take a photo of yourself holding up a medal or trophy, and caption it with “We have a winner (sperm).”

This announcement is a lighthearted way to celebrate the miracle of conception while also acknowledging the playful competition that often accompanies trying to conceive. It’s a fun and clever way to share the news while also injecting a bit of humor into the mix.

11. It’s Brewing, Guys

For coffee lovers or those who enjoy a good pun, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to be a hit. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a mug of coffee (or a non-caffeinated beverage, if you prefer), and caption it with “It’s brewing, guys!

This announcement is a clever play on words that not only announces your pregnancy in a witty way but also acknowledges the upcoming sleepless nights and caffeine-fueled days that come with parenthood. It’s a fun and relatable way to share the news while also embracing the excitement (and potential exhaustion) that lies ahead.

12. Sports Fans?

If you and your partner are avid sports fans, why not incorporate your love of the game into your pregnancy announcement? Take a photo of yourself and your partner wearing your favorite team’s gear, and hold up a tiny jersey or onesie with the caption “Sports fans?

This announcement is a fun and creative way to share your excitement while also celebrating your shared passion for sports. It’s a great way to get your fellow fans involved and excited about the new little addition to your team.

13. I’ll Always Be Their First

For first-time parents, the anticipation and excitement of welcoming a new little one into the world can be overwhelming. This pregnancy announcement idea captures that sentiment perfectly. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a chalkboard or a sign with the words “I’ll always be their first” written on it.

This announcement is a sweet and heartwarming way to acknowledge the special bond you’ll share with your firstborn child. It’s a reminder that no matter how many children you may have in the future, this little one will always hold a special place in your hearts as your very first.

14. Jedi Vs. Sith

If you and your partner are Star Wars fans, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to be a hit. Take a photo of yourself and your partner dressed up as Jedi and Sith characters, with one of you holding a tiny Jedi or Sith outfit or a onesie with the caption “The battle between the light and dark side continues…

This announcement is a fun and creative way to share your excitement while also celebrating your shared love for the Star Wars universe. It’s a great way to get your fellow fans involved and excited about the new little addition to the force.

15. Someone Got Late

For those who love a good pun, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a calendar or a planner, with the caption “Someone got late!

This announcement is a clever play on words that not only announces your pregnancy in a witty way but also acknowledges the inevitable tardiness and schedule changes that come with parenthood. It’s a fun and relatable way to share the news while also embracing the excitement (and potential chaos) that lies ahead.

16. Nope, Not a Hangover

Nope, Not a Hangover

If you and your partner enjoy a good night out (or used to before the pregnancy), this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to resonate. Take a photo of yourself looking a little worse for wear, holding a pregnancy test or a sonogram picture, and caption it with “Nope, not a hangover!

This announcement is a lighthearted way to acknowledge the changes and sacrifices that come with pregnancy while also injecting a bit of humor into the mix. It’s a relatable and funny way to share the news with your friends and family, especially those who know you for your love of a good time.

17. Baby Food Tasting Competition

For foodies or those who love a good challenge, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to be a hit. Set up a “baby food tasting competition” with various jars of baby food, and take a photo of yourself and your partner sampling the different flavors. Caption it with something like “Getting ready for the big taste test!

This announcement is a fun and creative way to share your excitement while also acknowledging the upcoming adventures in baby food that lie ahead. It’s a great way to get your friends and family involved and excited about the new little addition to your family.

18. Adding another Weiner to the Pack

If you have a slightly risqué sense of humor and love a good pun, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to get a few laughs. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a hot dog or a frankfurter, and caption it with “Adding another weiner to the pack!

This announcement is a cheeky and tongue-in-cheek way to share your exciting news while also embracing your playful sense of humor. It’s a great way to break the ice and get everyone laughing, even if they initially groan at the pun.

19. Finally, a Real Reason for Mom to Cry

Let’s be real – pregnancy can be an emotional rollercoaster, and tears are often an inevitable part of the journey. Why not embrace this fact with a dose of humor? Take a photo of yourself pretending to cry or looking emotional, and caption it with “Finally, a real reason for mom to cry!

This announcement is a lighthearted way to acknowledge the hormonal changes and emotional upheaval that come with pregnancy while also celebrating the joy and excitement of welcoming a new little one into the world. It’s a relatable and funny way to share the news with your friends and family, especially those who have experienced the ups and downs of pregnancy themselves.

20. I tested positive…

In today’s world, the phrase “I tested positive” can carry a lot of weight and potential worry. Why not flip the script and turn it into a lighthearted and joyous announcement? Take a photo of yourself holding up a positive pregnancy test or a sonogram picture, and caption it with “I tested positive… for a baby!

This announcement is a clever and unexpected way to share your exciting news while also acknowledging the potential anxiety that can come with the words “I tested positive.” It’s a fun and lighthearted way to break the tension and celebrate the new life growing inside you.

21. Do You Want Some Pregatini?

Do You Want Some Pregatini?

If you and your partner enjoy a good cocktail (or at least used to before the pregnancy), this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to resonate. Take a photo of yourself holding a mocktail or a non-alcoholic beverage, and caption it with “Do you want some pregatini?

This announcement is a clever play on words that not only announces your pregnancy in a witty way but also acknowledges the temporary lifestyle changes that come with pregnancy. It’s a fun and relatable way to share the news with your friends and family, especially those who know you for your love of a good cocktail.

22. Baby Shark Due Due Due Due Due (Perfect for TWINS)

If you’re expecting twins (or even just one little one), this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to be a hit with kids and adults alike. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a sonogram picture or a pair of baby shoes, and caption it with “Baby shark due due due due due!

This announcement is a fun and creative way to share your excitement while also embracing the catchy and infectious nature of the beloved “Baby Shark” song. It’s a great way to get everyone involved and excited about the new little additions to your family, and it’s sure to have everyone singing along in no time.

23. Target Hit

For couples who love a good pun or have a competitive streak, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to be a bulls-eye. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a dart or a bow and arrow, with a target or a bullseye in the background. Caption it with “Target hit!

This announcement is a clever and unexpected way to share your exciting news while also acknowledging the journey and effort that often comes with trying to conceive. It’s a fun and lighthearted way to celebrate your success and share the joy with your loved ones.

24. Traveling From: Partner To: Parent

If you and your partner love to travel or have a sense of adventure, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to resonate. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a sign or a chalkboard with the words “Traveling From: Partner To: Parent” written on it.

This announcement is a clever and creative way to acknowledge the exciting journey you’re about to embark on as new parents. It’s a fun and lighthearted way to share the news while also embracing the adventure and excitement that lies ahead.

25. Guess If You Can

For those who love a good guessing game, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to be a hit. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a sonogram picture or a pair of baby shoes, and caption it with “Guess if you can!

This announcement is a fun and interactive way to share your exciting news while also getting your friends and family involved. It’s a great way to build anticipation and excitement around the reveal, and it’s sure to have everyone guessing and speculating until they finally figure it out.

26. Customizable Pregnancy Announcement Labels

Customizable Pregnancy Announcement Labels

If you’re looking for a unique and personalized way to announce your pregnancy, why not create your own custom labels? Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a jar or a bottle with a label that reads “Baby [Your Last Name], Coming Soon!

This announcement is a fun and creative way to share your exciting news while also showcasing your personal style and sense of humor. You can customize the labels to fit your personalities and even include fun facts or inside jokes that only your loved ones will understand.

27. Oh, You Little Pumpkin

If you’re expecting a fall or autumn baby, this pregnancy announcement idea is sure to be a hit. Take a photo of yourself and your partner holding up a pumpkin or posing in a pumpkin patch, and caption it with “Oh, you little pumpkin!

This announcement is a fun and seasonal way to share your exciting news while also embracing the cozy and festive vibes of the fall season. It’s a great way to get everyone excited about the new little addition to your family, and it’s sure to bring a smile to everyone’s face.

28. Lifestyle Change Incoming

Becoming a parent is a major life change, and it’s often accompanied by a significant shift in priorities and routines. Why not acknowledge this with a humorous pregnancy announcement? Take a photo of yourself surrounded by baby gear, toys, or even diapers, and caption it with “Lifestyle change incoming!

This funny announcement idea not only shares the exciting news but also pokes fun at the inevitable upheaval that comes with welcoming a new little one into your lives. It’s a lighthearted way to embrace the chaos while also celebrating the joy of parenthood.

29. Read the Fine Print

For a clever and unexpected pregnancy announcement idea, create a sign or card with a seemingly innocuous message, but then include a small “fine print” section revealing the exciting news. For example, you could write “Congratulations on your new job!” with the fine print saying “As a parent, that is.”

This funny announcement is sure to catch everyone off guard in the best way possible, leaving them scratching their heads until they finally spot the fine print and realize the true meaning behind your message. It’s a fun and creative way to share the news while also injecting a bit of humor and mystery into the reveal.

30. Where Are My Toes??

As any expectant mother knows, finding your toes can become increasingly difficult as your pregnancy progresses. Why not embrace this reality with a humorous pregnancy announcement? Take a photo of your feet (or try to, if you can’t see them anymore) and caption it with “Where are my toes??

This funny announcement not only celebrates the physical changes that come with pregnancy but also provides a relatable and lighthearted way to share the exciting news with your loved ones. It’s sure to get a few laughs from those who have been through the experience themselves, and it’s a great way to embrace the journey you’re on.

31. Halloween Costume Reveals

Halloween Costume Reveals

If you’re announcing your pregnancy around Halloween, why not incorporate it into your costume? Dress up as a “bun in the oven,” a stork, or even a pregnant character from a movie or TV show. You could even take it a step further and have your partner dress up as a baker, a delivery person, or a doctor to really drive the theme home.

This creative and festive announcement idea is sure to catch everyone’s attention and leave a lasting impression. It’s a fun way to celebrate the spooky season while also sharing the exciting news that a little one is on the way.

32. 1 + 1 = 3…

For a simple yet effective pregnancy announcement idea, create a sign or card that says “1 + 1 = 3” along with a due date or ultrasound photo. This fun and straightforward announcement celebrates the growth of your family while also injecting a bit of humor into the reveal.

It’s a great way to acknowledge the fact that your duo is about to become a trio, and it’s sure to get a few chuckles from those who appreciate a good play on words. Plus, it’s a simple and easy announcement to put together, making it a great option for those who prefer a more low-key approach.

33. The More, the Merrier

If you’re announcing a pregnancy with multiples, this fun an celebratory announcement idea is perfect for you. Create a sign or card that says “The more, the merrier” along with a due date or ultrasound photo. This announcement celebrates the exciting news while also acknowledging the added chaos (and joy) that comes with multiple little ones.

You could even take it a step further and include a playful nod to the increased workload, such as “More hands on deck!” or “Double trouble incoming!” This funny announcement is sure to get everyone excited about the new additions to your family, and it’s a great way to embrace the craziness that’s about to ensue.

34. Nursery is Coming Soon

For a creative and visually appealing pregnancy announcement idea, take a photo of an empty room or corner of your home with the caption “Nursery is coming soon!” This fun announcement builds anticipation for the upcoming arrival while also showcasing your excitement about setting up a special space for your little one.

You could even include a few props, such as a rocking chair or a stuffed animal, to really drive the theme home. This announcement is a great way to get everyone involved in the process, as they’ll likely start offering suggestions and ideas for the nursery as soon as they see your reveal.

35. Christmas Vibes meets Video Game Fanatics

If you’re announcing your pregnancy around the holiday season and you’re both avid gamers, this creative announcement idea is perfect for you. Create a festive scene with video game controllers and consoles, along with a sign or onesie that says “Player 3 has joined the game” or “New player incoming.”

This announcement not only celebrates the joyous holiday season but also pays homage to your shared love of gaming. It’s a fun and unique way to share the news while also incorporating your personal interests and passions. Plus, it’s sure to get a few laughs from your fellow gaming enthusiasts.

36. The Magic’s Done

For a fun and whimsical pregnancy announcement idea, create a scene with magic wands, hats, or other magical elements. Include a sign or card that says “The magic’s done!” along with a due date or ultrasound photo. This creative announcement celebrates the magical journey of pregnancy while also sharing the exciting news.

You could even take it a step further and dress up as wizards or witches, adding an extra layer of playfulness to the reveal. This announcement is sure to capture everyone’s imagination and leave a lasting impression, making it a great option for couples who love all things magical and enchanting.

37. Baby Loading

If you and your partner are tech-savvy or love all things related to technology, this fun and modern pregnancy announcement idea is perfect for you. Create a sign or card that says “Baby loading” along with a progress bar or a due date. This clever announcement celebrates the exciting new chapter in your lives while also incorporating a tech-inspired twist.

You could even take it a step further and include a playful nod to the potential challenges ahead, such as “Preparation mode activated” or “New update required.” This funny announcement is sure to resonate with your fellow tech enthusiasts, and it’s a great way to share the news in a unique and memorable way.

38. I Was Told I would Be Glowing

I Was Told I would Be Glowing

For a humorous and relatable pregnancy announcement idea, create a sign or card that says “I was told I would be glowing” along with a photo of yourself looking less-than-glamorous. This funny announcement acknowledges the realities of pregnancy while also celebrating the exciting news.

Whether you’re rocking a messy bun, sporting some spectacular pregnancy acne, or simply looking exhausted, this announcement is sure to get a few laughs from those who have been through the experience themselves. It’s a lighthearted way to embrace the ups and downs of pregnancy while also sharing your joy with loved ones.

39. Animal Lover Baby Announcement

If you and your partner are animal lovers, this fun and creative pregnancy announcement idea is perfect for you. Take a photo of your furry friend(s) wearing a bandana or holding a sign that says “I’m going to be a big brother/sister” or “New human on the way.” This announcement celebrates the special bond between your pets and your soon-to-be child while also sharing the exciting news.

You could even include a playful nod to the potential challenges ahead, such as “Fur warning: Baby on board” or “New chew toy incoming.” This announcement is sure to melt the hearts of your fellow animal-loving friends and family, and it’s a great way to involve your beloved pets in the big reveal.

40. Solve to Know

For a fun and interactive pregnancy announcement idea, create a puzzle or riddle that your friends and family will have to solve to uncover the exciting news. This could be a crossword puzzle, word scramble, or even a coded message. Once they’ve solved the puzzle, they’ll be thrilled to learn about the new addition to your family.

This announcement is a great way to get everyone involved and engaged in the reveal. It’s sure to spark plenty of conversation and speculation as they work together to decipher the clues. Plus, it adds an extra layer of excitement and anticipation to the big reveal.

41. Student Word Puzzle, Escape Room or Scavenger Hunt

If you’re a teacher or work in an educational setting, this creative pregnancy announcement idea is perfect for you. Create a word puzzle, escape room, or scavenger hunt for your students or colleagues to solve, with the final clue revealing the exciting news. This interactive and engaging announcement is sure to be a hit with everyone involved.

Not only does it showcase your creativity and ingenuity, but it also provides a fun and educational experience for those participating. Plus, it’s a great way to get everyone excited and invested in the reveal, making it a shared experience that you’ll all remember fondly.

42. We Need a Car Update

We Need a Car Update

For a practical yet humorous pregnancy announcement idea, create a sign or card that says “We need a car update” along with a due date or ultrasound photo. This funny announcement acknowledges the need for a new vehicle or a larger car to accommodate your growing family while also sharing the exciting news.

You could even take it a step further and include a playful nod to the potential challenges ahead, such as “Trunk space needed” or “Backseat drivers incoming.” This announcement is sure to resonate with those who have experienced the joys (and occasional frustrations) of trying to fit a car seat into their current ride.

43. Game Loving Families

If you and your partner are avid gamers or love board games, this creative pregnancy announcement idea is perfect for you. Create a custom game board or card with a message like “New player joining the game” or “Level up to parenthood.” This fun and unique announcement celebrates your shared interests while also sharing the exciting news.

You could even take it a step further and incorporate elements of your favorite games into the reveal, such as using game pieces or character figurines to represent your growing family. This announcement is sure to delight your fellow gaming enthusiasts, and it’s a great way to showcase your personal passions while sharing the big news.

The Big Pregnancy Reveal Sorted – Final Word

Announcing your pregnancy is an exciting and momentous occasion, and with these creative and funny ideas, you’re sure to make it a truly memorable experience for everyone involved. From witty wordplays to interactive puzzles and games, these unique announcement concepts allow you to share the big news in a way that reflects your personality and interests.

So, have fun, get creative, and enjoy this wonderful journey into parenthood! After all, a little laughter and humor can go a long way in making this exciting time even more special and unforgettable.

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