Cindy DeAngelis Grossman: The Untold Story of Herschel Walker’s Ex-Wife

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman, a prominent businesswoman, has a compelling life story intertwined with the legacy of Herschel Walker, a multifaceted and highly accomplished American athlete. With a marriage spanning 19 years, she was once the wife of Walker, a renowned figure in NFL, Olympic sports, and mixed martial arts. 

Despite Walker’s remarkable achievements, their union was marred by challenges, notably his struggle with a mental disorder, casting a shadow of unpredictability and volatility over their relationship.

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman Biography & Profile Summary

Born on January 6, 1962, in the vibrant borough of Brooklyn, New York, Cindy DeAngelis Grossman is the daughter of Tom DeAngelis, a former real estate agent, and a mother who remains undisclosed. Growing up alongside her sister Maria DeAngelis Tsettos, who also ventured into the business world, Cindy’s roots are deeply embedded in entrepreneurial endeavors.

Cindy’s academic journey led her to the University of Georgia, where she graduated with a degree in business administration, laying the foundation for her future ventures. It was here that fate intertwined her path with Herschel Walker, the football sensation of the Bulldogs. The sparks ignited, and in March 1983, at the age of 21, Cindy tied the knot with Herschel, then 20.

Their union welcomed a son named Christian in 1987, marking a significant chapter in Cindy’s life as a devoted wife and mother. Throughout her journey, she stood by Herschel’s side, supporting him in various sports like football, bobsledding, and MMA, showcasing her commitment to his flourishing career.

However, the course of their marriage took an unexpected turn in 2002 when Herschel was diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID), a challenging condition that led to their divorce. Despite this, Cindy found love again and remarried in 2000, choosing to keep the identity of her second husband private.

Currently residing in Irving, Texas, Cindy has established herself as a successful businesswoman, steering her own enterprise. Her financial acumen is reflected in her estimated net worth of $200,000, while her former husband Herschel boasts a net worth of $12 million.

In the tapestry of Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s life, resilience, love, and entrepreneurship seamlessly intertwine, creating a captivating narrative of personal and professional triumphs.

How old is Cindy DeAngelis Grossman?

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman, born on January 6, 1962, in Brooklyn, New York, is currently 61 years old as of 2023. Her zodiac sign is Capricorn.

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Who is the father and mother of Cindy DeAngelis Grossman?

Cindy’s father, Tom DeAngelis, hails from Cocoa Beach, Florida, and had a diverse career as a real estate agent. He was actively involved in various business ventures, including owning a restaurant and a golf course. 

The DeAngelis family resided in Saddle River, New Jersey, for some time. Cindy’s mother, while not publicly known by name or occupation, contributes to Cindy’s mixed ethnicity, with an Italian father and an Irish mother.

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman Career

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman is a multifaceted entrepreneur who has left an indelible mark in various industries, showcasing her versatility and business acumen. Her professional journey kicked off as a real estate agent, where she honed her skills working alongside her father in his successful company. 

Building on her passion for fashion, she later ventured into the world of boutique ownership in New Jersey, offering a curated collection of clothing and accessories. Her financial prowess became evident as she actively assisted her former husband, Herschel Walker, in managing his substantial earnings derived from sports contracts and endorsements. 

Following her divorce from Walker, Cindy relocated to Irving, Texas, where she established her own thriving enterprise. Currently, she proudly holds the title of owner and CEO at Cindy’s Cakes, a company renowned for crafting exquisite custom-made cakes and desserts for various special occasions.

Herschel Walker and Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s relationship

Herschel Walker and Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s relationship

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s journey into love and companionship began in the vibrant setting of the University of Georgia, where she crossed paths with Herschel Walker. Their love story unfolded against the backdrop of Herschel’s remarkable football career with the Bulldogs, culminating in him clinching the prestigious Heisman Trophy in 1982. Their union in March 1983 was an intimate affair witnessed by close family and friends, solidifying their status as a power couple in the public eye.

Herschel’s athletic prowess extended beyond football, with stints in the NFL for notable teams like the Dallas Cowboys, Minnesota Vikings, Philadelphia Eagles, and the New York Giants. His foray into bobsledding at the 1992 Winter Olympics and subsequent ventures into mixed martial arts further amplified their dynamic public image. Throughout Herschel’s diverse career, Cindy played a pivotal role as a steadfast supporter, not only cheering him on but also nurturing their son, Christian.

However, the apparent perfection of their marriage concealed underlying challenges. Herschel’s battle with dissociative identity disorder (DID), marked by multiple personalities and memory gaps, added a layer of complexity to their relationship. Cindy, facing the strains of her husband’s mental health struggles, devoted years attempting to support him through therapy and counseling. 

Despite her efforts, she made the difficult decision to initiate divorce proceedings in 2002 after Herschel’s hospitalization for a severe psychotic episode. Her motivation was rooted in a deep concern for her safety and that of her son, coupled with a desire to forge ahead with her life. Cindy emphasized her enduring love for Herschel but acknowledged that the difficulties had become insurmountable.

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman Marriage and Personal Life

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s personal life has been filled with love and happiness since she remarried in 2000. She found her second husband through a mutual friend and their wedding was a quiet affair. Keeping their relationship private, Cindy praised her husband as a good man who treats her well and respects her, highlighting his support for her son and her business endeavors. Cindy is content with her decision to move on from her previous marriage and is enjoying her current relationship.

As a mother, Cindy is proud of her son, Christian, who has followed in his father’s footsteps as a football player. Graduating with a degree in sports management, Christian is now a successful businessman and a partner at Walker Companies. Married to Kara, the couple has blessed Cindy with two grandchildren, whom she adores spending time with.

In addition to her family life, Cindy is deeply committed to philanthropy. She is actively involved in initiatives supporting mental health awareness, such as the Herschel Walker Peace and Justice Initiative and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Cindy also supports various other charitable organizations, including the American Cancer Society, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and the Salvation Army. Her dedication to helping others is an inspiration to many.

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman Height & Weight

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman, standing at a height of 5 feet 5 inches and weighing 139 pounds, is a living testament to a dedicated and disciplined approach to health. With a striking combination of brown hair and brown eyes, Cindy exudes an aura of wellness. 

Her commitment to maintaining a healthy and fit lifestyle is evident through her regular exercise routine and adherence to a balanced diet, steering clear of indulgences such as junk food and alcohol. In her everyday fashion choices, Cindy effortlessly blends casual and elegant styles, complemented by simple and classic accessories.

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s Net Worth

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s Net Worth

Delving into the financial realm, Cindy DeAngelis Grossman has amassed an estimated net worth of $200,000 as of 2023. Her wealth is a product of her successful career as a businesswoman and a substantial divorce settlement from Herschel Walker. Cindy’s entrepreneurial prowess is highlighted by her ownership of Cindy’s Cakes, a company that consistently contributes to her income. 

Nestled in Irving, Texas, Cindy’s abode is a testament to her wise financial decisions, reflecting a lack of extravagance. Furthermore, she shares her financial success by generously donating a portion of her income to various charities and causes, emphasizing her commitment to making a positive impact beyond her personal sphere.


Who is Cindy DeAngelis Grossman?

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman is a luminary whose life resonates with the resilience and grace found in poetry. A woman of extraordinary strength, she navigated through life’s storms, emerging as a beacon of hope.

What defined Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s journey?

Her journey was intricately woven with threads of love, challenges, and unyielding determination, creating a tapestry that serves as an inspiration to hearts and spirits alike.

How did Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s love story unfold?

Destiny intertwined at the University of Georgia, where Cindy crossed paths with Herschel Walker. Their love story soared amidst the glories and trials of his illustrious sports career.

What adversities did Cindy DeAngelis Grossman face?

Her path was shadowed by the storm of Herschel’s mental disorder—a tempest of multiple personas and haunting memory chasms that tested the bounds of her love.

What led to the dissolution of Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s marriage?

With a heart torn between love and self-preservation, Cindy made the heartrending decision to part ways in 2002, seeking solace and safety.

How did Cindy DeAngelis Grossman find solace after her divorce?

In the tranquil haven of Irving, Texas, Cindy discovered love anew, sheltered by the gentle embrace of a soul who became her harbinger of happiness.

What accomplishments define Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s journey?

Beyond personal triumphs, Cindy’s entrepreneurial spirit flourished as she established Cindy’s Cakes, a testament to her resilience and success.

What is Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s philanthropic legacy?

Her benevolent heart champions mental health awareness through initiatives like the Herschel Walker Peace and Justice Initiative, echoing her empathy and solidarity.

How does Cindy DeAngelis Grossman inspire others?

Her journey of enduring love, quiet strength, and unwavering perseverance stands tall as an ode to the triumph of the human spirit—a testament that hope can flourish amidst life’s darkest storms.

What is the essence of Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s legacy?

Cindy DeAngelis Grossman remains a shining symbol—a testament that adversity cannot dim the light within, inspiring others to stand resolute in the face of trials.

Final Thought

In the tapestry of life, Cindy DeAngelis Grossman emerges as an extraordinary woman, having navigated a labyrinth of challenges and hardships. Once married to Herschel Walker, an iconic athlete, her journey was marked by the shadows of his mental illness and abuse. 

Undeterred, she summoned the strength to divorce, remarry, and ultimately discovered happiness and tranquility with her second husband. Beyond her roles as a successful businesswoman and devoted mother, Cindy’s generosity as a philanthropist paints her as a beacon of compassion.

Her story is not just one of survival but a testament to resilience, echoing an inspiring narrative for those grappling with mental health challenges. Cindy stands as a beacon for women aspiring to pursue their dreams and goals, embodying strength, grace, and unwavering determination. 

In a world where adversity often casts a long shadow, Cindy DeAngelis Grossman’s tale is an anthem of empowerment—a tale deserving of the utmost respect and admiration.

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